Journey Animal Rescue Adoption Application
The Long Journey Home to a New Beginning
Please answer the questions below and click on the Submit button to send us your adoption application
* indicates the field is required
Name of the pet you are applying for   *    
Your Contact Information
Name:  *     
Address:  * 
City: *State: *Zip: *
Home Phone: *
Alternate Phone:
Email Address *
Physical Address (if different then the one above)
Additional Contact Comments
Tell us about your Residence
*Rent        Own  
If rent, please give us the name and phone number of your land lord *
Number of years at this address: *
Will you be moving soon? *Yes       No  
If yes, what will you do with your pets *
Do you have a yard? *Yes       No  
If yes, is it fenced? *Yes       No  
Type of fence *     Height *
Are you familiar with animal control laws in your area? *     
Additional Comments About your residence:
Tell us about your household and family
Number of adults in household:  *     
Number of children in household  *     Ages?  *     
Does everyone in the household agree to the adoption of this pet?  *  
Is anyone in the household allergic to animals?  *  
Do you have an active or quiet household?  *  
Additional Comments About your household and family:
Tell us about your current and past pets
List all current pets in your household *:

Please give name, species (dog,cat,horse,etc), breed, M or F and spayed or neutered? and age of pets
List all pets/animals you have owned in the last 5 years that you no longer have *:

Please give name, species (dog,cat,horse,etc.), breed, Male or Female, spayed or neutered, Age, where the pets are now (re-homed, deceased,lost,etc). Please provide detail if re-homed or, if they died, circumstances of death.
Name and phone number of your current or previous veterinarian *:
Have you ever given an animal away? If so, under what circumstances. If not, under what circumstances yould you give up your pet? *
Tell us about the pet you are applying for
Why do you want to adopt this pet?  *   Companion, guard dog, hunting, breeding,etc
Are you willing to spend the time adjusting your pet to its new environment and working through problems as they arise? *
Where will this pet be kept when you are home?  *          
Where will this pet be kept when you are not home?  *   
Where will this pet be kept when you have to go out of town?  * 
How will your pet be kept outside?  * 
How will you exercise this pet?  *       
How many hours per day with this pet be left alone?  * 
Are you planning or willing to take this pet to training classes?  * 
Are you able to provide for your pets medical expenses?  *       
Understanding that a dog may live up to 17 years, are you willing to make that committment for the life of your pet? *
Additional comments about why you are applying to adopt this pet:
Name and phone number of a personal reference *