Long Jouney Animal Rescue Logo
Long Journey Animal Rescue
PO Box 364
Fryeburg, ME 04037
Journey Animal Rescue Banner
Long Journey to a New Beginning
Animal Rescue
Dedicated to Rescue, Rehabilitation and Forever Homes
Just one person can change the world of a rescue forever...Save a life

Permanent Residents

Meet the permanent residents of the people who own the rescue. These animals have found their forever home with us due to breed, behavioral or medical issues.

They are our personal animals and are not available for adoption.


Isha is a husky/shepherd mix who was rescued from a hoarding situation by a friend. She lived in a small kennel for the first 10 months of her life with minimal human interactions. Due to her skittish nature, she could not be safely kept in a home environment and was brought to us. She has flourished here and loves us and her canine friends.
Isha Isha


Surya was born in 2020 to a breeder. This girl spent the first 2 years of her life living outside in a crate under a mobile home in the Arizona heat and cold, with little human interaction and not enough food. She ended up getting loose and was eventually trapped and transported here. She arrived emaciated and undersocialized with some medical challenges. Surya has now blossomed into a loving and trusting member of our pack. She hangs out with her friends Zen, Shankar, Odin and Isha.
Surya Surya


Shankar is a husky/shepard mix born in 2012 who joined us after Zen lost his sister Waya and needed a friend. Shankar's second owner could not handle his separation anxiety and turned him over to us. He is deaf and suffers from medical issues but has settled in and spends his days with Zen and Surya
shankar shankar


Shivaya was born around August 2019. She was turned into an animal shelter in Louisiana for euthanasia due to chronic illness, weighing only 37 lbs. The shelter treated her and she came to Maine. She used to live as an outdoor dog, and now enjoys sleeping in the bed with her canine and feline pack.
Shivaya Shivaya&Rashmi
Shivaya Shivaya


Rashmi was born around August 2019. She was a stray in Louisiana and was turned into a rural shelter there. She was underweight and Heartworm positive. She is an integral part of the pack and loves other dogs and cats.
Rashmi Rashmi&Brahman
Rashmi Rashmi



Every now and then that special dog joins our long-term care due to age, temperament or medical condition. It's official: Raj will be a permanent resident.



Radha is a Chihuahua mix who was acquired from a high kill shelter with the intention of placement. Because she suffers from herniated discs and severe luxating patellas, she has joined our pack. She had bilateral knee surgery in winter 2018. She is on several herbal supplements and receives regular acupuncture and chiropractic.


Narissa is a poodle mix who was abandoned prior to hurricane Harvey. When we got her she was pregnant, heartworm positive, had been shot with a bb gun, has spinal, eye and skin problems. She gave birth to 2 stillborn and two live puppies. Narissa has had 2 different types of cancerous tumors removed.


Brahman is a pit bull who was rescued at 2 years old from a high kill shelter in NYC in 2014. At that time he had severe skin problems and food allergies. He also has some musculoskeletal issues. He does great on his raw diet, chiropractic and supplements.

Brahman Brahman


Finnegan is a chihuahua who came to us after he was surrendered to a local shelter in 2018 at the age of 7 after being in 3 homes. He had severe dental disease resulting in bone exposure, a jaw fracture and luxating patellar. He had all but 6 teeth removed. He is doing great with his raw diet, supplements and chiropractic.


Naimah and Sameer

Naimah (female) and Sameer (male) are 2 double merle Australian Shepherd siblings who joined us in 2016 at 8 weeks old. They were rescued from a backyard breeder in Arkansas who purposefully bred two merle colored dogs despite knowing that 25% would be blind or visually impaired and/or deaf or hearing impaired. Naimah is visually and hearing impaired and Sameer is blind and deaf. Despite their handicaps, they are living a happy and full life.

Naimah and Sameer Naimah and Sameer


Odin, a Husky/tamaskan mix, was purchased by a family who decided they no longer wanted him at 10 months old and were going to euthanize him. He arrived with obvious signs of neglect and was terrified of everyone and everything but quickly warmed up to us and some of the other residents. His previous owners told us he would probably kill small dogs and cats but he is fine with ours. Odin was best friends with Cheyenne.
Odin Odin Odin


Phoenix was born in 2018 and joined us at the age of 15 months when his owner was unable to care for him anymore due to his separation anxiety, high energy and because he couldn't be properly contained in the residence. Phoenix is a Malamute/Tamaskan cross and is currently acting as a companion to Kai who is similar in age.
Phoenix Phoenix


Kai is a wolf hybrid born in 2019 and came to us after she was seized from an individual in Connecticut. She suffered some significant neglect before landing with a caring animal control officer, his associates and a fish and game officer who were committed to finding a safe place for her to land. This shy but sweet girl has integrated well here and lives with Phoenix.
kai kai


Zen was born in 2012. He is a Native American Indian dog. He is absolutely wonderful and is great with all canines, felines and humans. He has some orthopedic issues and take supplements to support his joints.
Waya-Zen Waya-Zen