c Journey Animal Rescue
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Long Journey Animal Rescue
PO Box 364
Fryeburg, ME 04037
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Long Journey to a New Beginning
Animal Rescue
Dedicated to Rescue, Rehabilitation and Forever Homes
Just one person can change the world of a rescue forever...Save a life

Gone but not forgotten....

Our animals are our family, teachers, friends, sons, daughters and soul mates. They open our eyes to wonder and our hearts to unconditional love and eternal devotion. The amount of love they provide us, is rivaled only by the pain with their loss, but not for one moment would we trade in a second of that love. Their time on this earth is way too short and in the blink of an eye they go from younger than we are, to being older and wiser. Their journey ends sooner than ours, but it is only because they come to this earth already more enlightened and aware than we are. They are here to help us attain our destinies and to make this journey more fulfilling.

Letting go is the hardest and most excruciating thing to do but it is often the kindest thing and last gift we can give them.
They remain in every gust of wind, drop of rain, ray of sun and breath of air.
They whisper to us in the rustling of leaves, "we are still here and will never leave you".
We will see them again some day, until then they visit us in our hearts and dreams.

In the mean time, they run in the fields and chase the butterflies, free of the frailties and ailments of this earthbound existence. When we close our eyes, and call their names they will come running.

True love never dies.


Today after a lifetime of 13 years, we unexpectedly had to say goodbye to regal and sweet Apache. Apache joined us at 7 years of age in September 2018, with his friend Nashoba, to be companions for Spruce, after the loss of her soulmate Cochise. He was surrendered to a purported sanctuary at 5 years old and had received almost no vet care and limited attention, until the place closed. Within the last year, all 3 have left their earthbound bodies. While Apache was friendly, he had a habit of jumping on your back and growling at you, until 3 years ago, when he decided to be nothing but love. Two years ago, we removed his spleen due to a benign splenic mass. Following his surgery, he developed a severe elbow ulcer which developed a multi-antibiotic resistant infection and required a regiment of surgery, laser, ozone therapy, silver and honey applications and every other day bandage changes for a year before his final surgery. Unfortunately, immediately following his final surgery, he developed the same condition in the other elbow and the process started again. For almost 2 years, he tolerated these treatments and still would go for walks, play with his friends and insist on kisses and belly-rubs. He was an absolute gem and to know him was to love him. Though shy with new people, once he knew and trusted you, his heart and friendship were yours. Apache had to live in the house for a while following his surgeries and became friends with cats, bossy chihuahuas, crazy pitbulls, blind and deaf aussies and a dancing poodle. He loved to be sprayed down with a hose, go for daily walks, roll in the snow and sleep on his elevated cots. Apache was a picky eater and as he aged, insisted on getting daily cooked chicken and Full moon jerky treats.

Yesterday, he collapsed and testing revealed a tumor in his elbow, from chronic inflammation which had metastasized to his chest. It took us by surprise as the day before he was still going for walks, eating and playing with his friends.

Goodnight sweet boy, we know you are reunited with Spruce and Nashoba. We will miss you more than words can express. We would gladly change your bandages forever, you were worth everything. Thank you for your presence in our lives. Rest easy handsome Apache, run freely on strong healthy legs and visit us in our hearts and dreams. We love you Apache, my friend, brother, son and beautiful wolfdog and will miss you eternally. Goodbye , until we meet again. Namaste beautiful boy.



Tonight after almost 14 years, we said goodbye to beautiful Cheyenne due to progressive Mast cell cancer. Cheyenne was almost all wolf in behavior as well as genetics. To know and love her was a magnificent experience. She cautiously loved her people and though she didn't like most animals, she adored the 4 boys in her life Saze, Takota, Mangus and lastly for the last 5 years, Odin. Cheyenne was a challenge health wise with significant IBD, bilateral cruciates and finally cancer, but she was a trooper, with a good quality of life until the end. I first met Cheyenne as a 1 year old at a purported sanctuary, where she was fed 3 times a week, forced to eat snow for water in winter, lacking shelter and receiving no veterinary care. She spent the last 6.5 years here and never wanted for anything again. I will miss her being and beautiful howl .

Goodbye my beautiful Cheyenne, my friend, daughter, sister, teacher and magnificent wolfdog. I will miss you eternally. Go run on healthy legs with all that have passed before you. Visit my dreams. Namaste.



On 10/21/23 we unexpectedly had to say goodbye to sweet Nashoba at only 10 years of age. We had been treating him for an autoimmune skin disease for almost a year and he had some set backs. He started breathing hard. We hospitalized him and discovered he was throwing clots to his lungs and spleen and had an enlarged liver and stomach wall. It was suspected that he had lymphoma. Nashoba joined me with his friend Apache 5 years ago to be companions for Spruce. He was taken from a rescue that was closing. Nashoba lived in a large, overgrown pen with 9 other animals and was always getting beat up. He had been placed there at 4 months old and never handled and only received minimal veterinary care. Over the years, he became more trusting of humans, though still very cautious. Despite his distrust, there was nothing I could not do to him. He was a sweet and gentle 130 lb soul, a genuine baby Huey. His presence will be missed beyond words

Rest easy sweet Nashoba, we are grateful for your presence in our lives. Please help guide Narissa home and help Apache to heal. I know Spruce was waiting for you. I will always love and miss you. Namaste my beautiful boy.


Spruce was born on June 9th 2009 and her reign as the benevolent Queen ended on June 11th 2023, two days after her 14th birthday. Spruce ended up at a supposed refuge at just over a year old where animals were denied medical attention, fed 3 times a week and forced to eat snow for water in the winter. I met her and her soul mate Cochise when they were around 2 years old, after the state had stepped in and mandated vet care. I did everything I could to help for 6 years and finally, Spruce and Cochise came to the live with me when they were 8 years old. Sadly, 1 year after moving in, we lost Prince Cochise to lung cancer when he was just 9 years old. Throughout his illness, Spruce internalized it and became physically affected, including not eating when he wouldn't. After he passed, she was lost, so I brought Apache and Nashoba home to be her companions. Two and a half years ago, Spruce started to have a hard time walking and after extensive diagnostics, it was discovered that she had a non- surgical disc herniation with permanent damage to her spinal cord. As a result, she developed recurrent urinary tract infections, which were always multi - antibiotic resistant. She moved into the house, got a help em up harness and joined the large pack of dogs and cats. She still spent time with Apache and Nashoba. For the last 8 months, she needed me to express her bladder 3 to 4 times daily. Spruce received weekly acupuncture and chiropractic treatments, daily herbs and medications and regular pulse vet treatments for 2.5 years. She developed cataracts, a seizure disorder due to a reaction to a contrast for her Catscan and had a cancerous tumor removed. She was a trooper through it all. Recently she had really slowed down, her back got significantly worse and we could no longer clear her infections. My goal was for her to see her 14th birthday, which she did, and today I gave her a final gift by letting her go before she started to really suffer. This is the summary of her physical being, but doesn't touch on the magnificent being that was Spruce.

Humanity is not kind to animals, we abuse them, end their lives for overpopulation, convenience, sport, food and behavior deemed inappropriate by anthropocentric standards. There is, however, an irony at the end of life, where humans are forced to suffer the slow, agonizing death of a failing body but animals may be released with dignity, kindness and love. As a good friend of mine said, Spruce earned the right to die before there was too much suffering.

Spruce was pure love and kindness with a determined, stubborn streak and a zest for life. She loved all the animals whose paths she crossed and humans as well. She greeted all beings as family and friends. The feeling was mutual, whether it was a 4 lb blind Chihuahua or 132 lb wolf dog, she was adored and all found comfort in her presence. In her younger years, she was a force to be reckoned with and would always greet me with howls, jumps and kisses, with Cochise at her side. She loved to go for car rides and walks. When I opened the fence, she would run straight to the minivan and leap in the side door. As she got older and her hind end started to fail, she would come to the gate and stare and howl at me until I took her out or barge past and take herself. She loved to play with squeaky toys, right up to the end. Spruce had a wonderful howl which became lower and weaker but she still sang to her tribe. Spruce was the essence of the benevolent matriarch and the embodiment of all that is good. Her presence will be missed.

I love you my beautiful Spruce, my friend, daughter, sister, teacher and beautiful wolfdog. I miss you already. Thank you for the gift that is you. Go run in the fields with a young, strong body with Cochise by your side and a giant pack of all our departed friends and chase the butterflies. Sleep easily now with Sandra sleeping curled up in your tail. I miss you more than I can express. Thank you for the journey, it was awesome. NAMASTE

"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard". Goodbye Spruce, visit me in my dreams, until we meet again
Spruce Spruce


Shreya is a Sanskrit name meaning fortunate and auspicious. Shreya came to Maine from Puerto Rico in May 2019. In Puerto Rico, she lived with a pack of abandoned street dogs who lived at the seaside. Shreya was in bad shape with an abscessed mammary tumor, ear hematomas, Ehrlichia and Heartworm disease. Journey saved her. Sadly, all the other dogs disappeared over a 2 month period, after being there for years, likely poisoned. In Maine, she slowly healed, but never fully liked or trusted people and lived downstairs with Raj, to minimize her stress. July 17th 2020, she climbed a fence and was missing for 5 weeks until she was trapped 25 miles away. Sadly the years of neglect and heartworm disease ravaged her lungs and heart and on November 23rd, 2022 she was set free from her suffering. Shreya, we hope you are reunited with your pack and can run outside, playing in the sun, breathing freely with endless food and the happiness you were denied on this planet We love and miss you, sweet, gentle girl. Namaste.
Shreya Shreya



On April 22, 2022 we said goodbye to one of the most majestic and stunning animals who shared his journey with us. Ateme was initially purchased by someone who had purchased his soul mate Aquila a year prior. They figured if a low content wolf dog was so easy then a high content would be no problem. They soon realized they were wrong and relinquished them to a supposed sanctuary where the animals received no vet care, no attention , were fed 3 times a week and forced to eat snow for water in the winter. We first met Ateme and Aquila when he was 2 and she was 3. He was labeled a red zone animal and almost no one went in with him. Eventually we got involved, changed management and provided better care for the animals but still almost no one interacted with him. Ateme and Aquila chose Monique to be their person and eventually they moved in with her. After Aquila died one year ago, Ateme decided to accept other people into his circle and he was adored. April 22nd, 1 month shy of his 15th birthday, our beloved friend was set free as he was losing his battle to lymphoma, the same cancer that took his sister just after her 15th birthday. Magical Ateme, our lives were better for your presence and diminished by your absence. Run free in the fields with Aquila until we meet again my son, friend, teacher, wolf dog. We will miss you always. Namaste Ateme.


Waya left us unexpectedly yesterday due to a tumor in her heart that ruptured, she had just turned 9. She showed no signs of illness and then got sick and I had to let her go. Waya joined my family with her brother Zen in August 2019 after I rescued them from a neglectful home. She arrived matted, scared, urine scalded and covered in ticks. Waya was exquisitely beautiful and unique, both inside and out. Everyone who visited was greeted as a friend with lots of kisses and demands for belly rubs and walks. Waya was adored by volunteers, me and her brother Zen. Beautiful, sweet Waya, I am so grateful you entered my life, it was better because of your presence and diminished by your loss. I am so very sorry I could not save you but am glad your suffering was brief and you could leave this earth surrounded with so very much love. Life can be so excruciatingly painful and unfair but I am grateful that the universe and your friend Piper's bad habits brought your good friends Tim Dorman and Brian Grawehr to the clinic yesterday, so they could be with us while you left your body. Thank you Alice G. Benedict and Mo O'Brien for your guidance and help yesterday. I will miss you eternally my beautiful girl and promise to do my best for your Zen as we navigate life without you. Breathe easy Waya. Namaste princess.
Waya.jpg Waya.jpg Waya.jpg


How do I pay proper tribute to one of the sweetest and most unimposing souls to grace my life. Aquila entered this world on May 22nd, 2006 and left on July 6th 2021. Aquila was purchased by someone who thought a low content wolf hybrid would be cool and with her kind demeanor and dog like behavior, they figured they should purchase a high content next. Ateme joined them in 2007 and as his challenging behavior emerged, they sent both to a purported sanctuary, where the animals got fed 3 times a week, were forced to eat snow for water in the winter, had no vet care and got minimal human interaction. When the state got involved in 2008, following animal cruelty charges, I was brought in to provide minimal required vet care. For several years, I fought to make things better for over 100 animals and eventually took over and care improved until a new group took over. Aquila still received minimal human interaction because Ateme was dangerous with most people, but they loved me, so when most of the remaining animals were relocated, I did not hesitate to take on Ateme and Aquila, along with 7 others. Aquila loved everyone, and as her health failed, she started spending time inside a few months ago and even did well with cats, maniacal chihuahuas, crazy pitbulls and never had an accident inside. Though she would come in, it was clear being separated from Ateme was less than desirable and she always insisted on going back out to him. Yesterday, while at work with me her body made it clear she had enough and so with the utmost love and respect, she was freed from her physical form. Namaste, my sweet, regal , loving girl. I miss you so very much already and will do everything in my power to take care of your Ateme. Run free until we meet again.
Aquila.jpg Aquila.jpg


Mangus left his earthly form at 14 years and 8 months of age. He spent the first 4 years of his life on a chain, then spent 4 years in a a 4 by 8 pen alone, then was moved to a larger enclosure, still alone. He was failed by humans for 10 years and misjudged which resulted in little to no human interaction. When the owner of the last rescue threatened to put him down for aggression, he came to Journey Animal Rescue and proved everyone wrong. Mangus joined Cheyenne and later, Odin. Mangus never looked back. He was social with other animals and loved people. He wouldn't let you vet him without protest, nor brush him, but that was ok. His hind end was failing and he let us know it was time to go. Rest easy Mangus, you will be missed, you grumpy old man.
Deceased January 5, 2021
Mangus.jpg Mangus.jpg


Carmella-Happy Carmella Carmella

At the young age of 10 years, we said goodbye to one of the most amazing souls to grace our lives. Carmella, suffered from a very rare type of cancer, which was previously misdiagnosed as a rare autoimmune disease. With alternative medicine and occasional drugs, we were able to keep her in remission for 2.5 years, though the correct diagnosis eluded us until the end.. We are grateful we didn't know she had it all this time, so we didn't treat her or view her as a dying dog until recently. Carmella spent 7 years in abject hell, being bred every heat cycle and being passed around to at least 7 different people who exploited her and then returned her over and over to the people who forced her to live in a 2 by 4 kennel inside a house on concrete in her own urine and feces. She was only valued for the puppies she produced who were sold for 1200 to 1500 each. She lived that way until finally a cop who had been trying to save her was alerted by a veterinarian of her condition when the owners tried to get a HC to sell her to another breeder. Many people, including veterinarians had turned a blind eye to her suffering. At the seizure 15 dogs and 1 cat were rescued from the horror. I was asked by a local shelter to examine all the animals before being told about the case in order not to bias my opinion. It was the 6th cruelty case was involved in. The first dog I examined was Carmella. She came out on a leash and bathed me in kisses. She had stenotic, purulent ear canals, severe dermatitis, alopecia, erythema, urine scald, open bleeding lesions. Later she would be diagnosed with severe environmental and food allergies. She suffered from end stage elbow dysplasia, back and knee problems. She had internal parasites and was a BCS of 3. Carmella also suffered from KCS, spastic entropion, dystichias and conjunctivitis. When the dogs were released for adoption I brought Stan into meet them. I was hesitant to take her because I knew she would be a medical challenge but her personality was so amazing as was her need for help, I wanted Stan to meet her. Carmella came out of her kennel smelling like yeast, wagging her tail, gave him kisses then ran back in and grabbed a stuffed animal. She walked out of that kennel, into our lives and never looked back. Our original plan was to foster and place her. The plethora of medical issues made her a permanent family member. Her previous owners were charged with animal cruelty. Problems with the warrant resulted in many charges being dropped. The husband was charged and found guilty of several counts of animal cruelty for all the animals except Carmella. The wife claimed ownership of Carmella and for the suffering she endured was charged with multiple counts. She was found guilty after almost 2 years and has continued her appeals. She supposedly gets another jury trial sometime next month, after 3 continuance. She has fired many probono lawyers. I hope she will be punished, though Carmella is now gone. For almost 3 years we have fought to give her a good life. She has shown us that despite all the horrors in her life the soul of a dog can radiate love, joy, compassion and forgiveness. I hope we have been able to erase the pain and memories of her abusive past. The gift of a dog is their ability to live in the moment. Carmella always had a lot to say and was a giant personality in a 50lb body. Carmella loved her human and animal family fiercely and was one if the kindest dogs. She left this earth surrounded by eternal love and devotion. Carmella has been one of the most joyful dogs we have been lucky enough to share our lives with. She is back with some of her closest friends. Carmella was a fighter and has fought to survive her entire life. For the past, almost 3 years, she has not had to do that alone. We will love you and miss you forever, our beautiful, beloved melon head. The best pitipotamous ever. NAMASTE beautiful Carmella, sister, daughter, teacher, friend and amazing, precious dog. The house is deafeningly quiet and the loudest sound is the absence of your bark. You are so very loved and missed.

Deceased on March 8,2020

Carmella Carmella


Jelly was a pitbull that was rescued in 2005 from hurricane Katrina. She was found in a shed with multiple other pitbulls who were locked in chicken cages above the ground and were likely used as breeder dogs for a fighting ring. Jelly was a very loving and sweet dog whom we were not able to adopt through no fault of her own. She loved her best friend Austin, and the two were permanent sanctuary here with the rescue. Her favorite things were bully sticks, belly rubs and to maul you with kisses.

Deceased on May 26th at 16 years

Jelly and Austin Jelly Jelly Jelly


Takota was a Native American Indian dog (malamute, husky, Tamaskan cross). He was surrendered to another "rescue" at 6 months of age aand spent 7 years of his life fed 3 meals a week, eating snow, instead of getting water in the winter, and being attacked by other animals. We did everything possible to make up for it and made him an integral part of our animal family. We will miss him so very much but are relieved he is free from the constraints of his failing 14 year old body. Go run with all your friends who have passed before you sweet boy. You are so very loved sweet Takota, our gentle giant. Until we meet again. NAMASTE.
Deceased February 15, 2019




Today was a good day. Today I climbed a hill and saw some great views. I played in the river and took my first real swim today. I went for car rides and looked out the window, taking it all in. I said hello to new people and goodbye to old friends. I spent today with my human family and canine soulmate by my side. Today I learned the true meaning of unconditional love in the face of unfathomable grief. I felt tears on my fur and kisses on my face. I became part of every gust of wind, ray of sun, drop of rain and particle of soil. I flew high above the ground , soaring with birds in the sky. Today I was able to breathe easily again. Today I left my earthly form and am one with the Universe.

In loving memory of Cochise, one of the kindest souls to grace our existence. A prince gone too soon.

Cochise Cochise



August 2018 we said goodbye to sweet Callie our Native American Indian dog. She was 14.5 years old. She was loved and she will be missed.

CallieCallie Callie


We lost Max to a brain tumor in January 2017. He was an 11 year old Wolf Hybrid.

Max Max


Winona left us unexpectedly June 9th 2015. Be free sweet girl, you were loved and will be missed.



June 10th 2015 we said goodbye to one of the sweetest boys that we were lucky enough to share our lives with.
Surrounded by love from canines and humans we let him leave his physical body. He was not quite 11 and it is too young.

Run free in the fields and chase the butterflies and dig up all the rocks you want.
We will see you again some day, in the mean time you visit us in our hearts and dreams. We love you and miss you sweet boy.

Thank you for the gift of your presence in our lives. Hurricane Katrina was an unmitigated disaster but it brought this wonderful soul in the body of a pit bull with a touch of sharpei into my life.

Austin at the Basin


We said goodbye to our foster, Trampy July 2nd 2015.
Her foster mom writes:
'About a year ago, we took her in as a hospice dog, through Long Journey to a New Beginning Rescue.
Thank you, for entrusting this kind and gentle soul to me.
I know we will be heartbroken that she has left us, but will find peace and solace, knowing that she has gone to join the rest of her family members who have gone before her.'


Saze was euthanized due to severe neurological disease in November 2014. He was a 4 year old wolf hybrid and was Cheyenne's best friend..

Saze Saze